Aaron Gember-Jacobson | Colgate University |
Amedeo Sapio | Cisco |
Ang Chen | Rice University |
Baek-Young Choi | UMKC |
Cheng Jin | Facebook |
Chuan Wu | The University of Hong Kong |
Cristian Lumezanu | NEC Labs |
Dali Kaafar | Data61-CSIRO |
David Choffnes | Northeastern University |
Dongsheng Li | NUDT |
Feng Qian | University of Minnesota - Twin Cities |
Gaogang Xie chair | ICT CAS |
Haifeng Yu | National University of Singapore |
Harsha V. Madhyastha | University of Michigan and Google |
Hesham Mekky | Snapchat |
Hong Xu | City University of Hong Kong |
Hong Zhang | UC Berkeley |
Ioannis Psaras | University College London |
John C. S. Lui | The Chinese University of Hong Kong |
Kai Chen chair | Hong Kong University of Science and Technology |
Kate Lin | National Chiao Tung University |
Kenjiro Cho | IIJ |
Kuai Xu | Arizona State University |
Lei Jiao | University of Oregon |
Marcel Flores | Verizon Digital Media Services |
Marco Chiesa | KTH Royal Institute of Technology |
Matthias Hollick | Technische Universität Darmstadt |
Matthias Wählisch | Freie Universität Berlin |
Nik Sultana | University of Pennsylvania |
Oliver Hohlfeld | Brandenburg University of Technology |
Ruidong Li | National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT) |
Sanjay Rao | Purdue University |
Srihari Nelakuditi | University of South Carolina |
Tong Yang | Peking University |
Toru Hasegawa | Osaka University |
Wenfei Wu | Tsinghua University |
Wenye Wang | North Carolina State University |
Xiaoming Fu chair | Institut für Informatik, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, Göttingen, Germany |
Xin Jin | Peking University |
Xin Liu | UC Davis |
Yali Yuan | Goettingen University |
Yingying Chen | Microsoft |
Yuming Jiang | Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway |
Yusheng Ji | National Institute of Informatics, Japan (NII) |
Zhenyu Li | ICT, CAS |
Zhi-Li Zhang chair | UMN |